Biography - J Monticello Sprinkle
MONTICELLO SPRINKLE, D. D. S., of Nokomis, has a patronage that is large and
constantly on the increase, which desirable state of affairs has been
brought about by a thorough knowledge of his profession, promptness in
filling his engagements, and the painstaking and careful manner in which he
performs all his work. He keeps a full line of dental supplies, fully equal
to the requirements of that progressive profession, including all the most
improved apparatus and materials, and all his dealings are characterized by
fair and honorable methods.
Our subject was born in Knox County, Ind., March 2, 1864, the son of Col. John H. E. and Barbara (Brouillette) Sprinkle, whose ancestors became residents of this country during the early Colonial times, but history is a little vague as to the exact time that they came, or where they came from. It is, however, known that Henry Sprinkle, the grandfather, was born near Hagerstown, Washington County, Md., in 1757, and in 1807 was married to Elizabeth Ernst. He was the owner of a large plantation and became an extensive slaveholder. He lived to the ripe old age of ninety years, dying in 1851.
Col. Sprinkle, the father of the subject of this sketch, was born in Wythe County, Va., in 1822, and in 1845 went to Knox County, Ind., to take up his residence on land purchased by his father from the Shakers in 1835. He became a very prominent and wealthy farmer in that section of country. He was a life-long Democrat, and under the administration of President Buchanan held an appointment in the United States Land Office, and later was Disbursing Agent under the same President, as well as a United States Marshal. He is now living retired in Vincennes, Ind. He was married to Miss Barbara, a daughter of Capt. Pierre Brouillette, a prominent and early French settler and a great admirer of Gen. Harrison. The mother was born in Vincennes, Ind., in 1821, and died in 1890, at the old home. A brother of our subject, Welcome B., is a prominent physician of Oaktown, Ind. It was on his father's farm that Dr. Sprinkle first saw the light of day, and there his early life was spent in attending the public schools. At the age of seventeen he entered the High School of Dayton, Ohio, from which he was graduated three years later with honors.
Our subject then began the study of dentistry under Dr. T. B. Jirard, of Vincennes, Ind., and in 1882 became principal demonstrator at the New York College of Dental Surgery, from which he was graduated in 1884. In 1885, he was graduated from the Indiana Dental College, and soon afterward began practicing his chosen profession at Carlisle, Ind., but at the expiration of one year came to Nokomis, reaching this city in the month of March, 1886. He is a post-graduate of the Dental Association of the United States, is a member in good standing of the Illinois State Dental Association, as well as of the Dental Protective Association of the United States. He has been successful in his practice, and has a fine suite of rooms, which are fitted up in a tasteful and elegant manner. An educated and polished gentleman, he is a general favorite in social and professional circles and is an enterprising citizen, of whom the people of Nokomis may well feel proud. His local practice is very large, as is also his practice from adjoining counties, and he is considered to be one of the most popular of dental practitioners.
Extracted 10 Jan 2017 by Norma Hass from 1892 Portrait and Biographical Record of Montgomery and Bond Counties, Illinois, pages 330-332.